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Once the scale is installed and connected, it's ready to perform the first scan.

How It Works

  1. Activate the Scale for a User: Each time a new user steps onto the scale, you will activate the scale for them. This temporarily associates the user with the device, allowing it to capture their measurements.

  2. Perform the Measurement: Once activated, the user can step on the scale, and the measurement process begins. The scale will record the relevant health data (e.g., weight, body composition).

  3. User is Automatically Unlinked: After the measurement is completed, the user is automatically unlinked from the scale. This sets the scale to be ready for a new scan with the next user.

  4. Pull the Data: Once the scan is finished, you can retrieve the measurement data from the scale. You have the option to implement the notification system for automatic data retrieval, or if you choose not to, you need to provide a way for the user to manually refresh the data when the scan ends.


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